A Preliminary Paraguayan Progress Report


This is not the simple ghostwriter theme for Hugo (above) that I really wanted for my regular progress reports, but Hugo deployment on Github and others with its many options and approaches was making me crazy.

Not even looking into the Heroku option – or other automated solutions – helped.

Meanwhile, they say that in this freshly cloned Jekyll theme – Jekyll Uno based on a theme for Ghost – you can look in your _posts directory and not despair, knowing that so long as index.html is written to the root of the server and not hidden in a public or other folder, you will enjoy full freedom of Github speech … as in freedom of beer.

Basic Jekyll

You will mostly run jekyll serve --watch a lot while fussing over your site, the sample post says.

«This command launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.»

I know, I know, just like Pelican, Hugo and Hexo. And Middleman.

«To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext and includes the necessary front matter.»

Not that simple, really. Is it?

Can you not set it to create the new file with this date prefix?

And for that matter insert the default front matter for you?

If we are going to automate this desiring-machine then let us automate it all the way. Fairly easy, but not for my wife who knows WordPress and nothing else.


Em fim. Though this not likely to serve as my own principal writing space – it seems to lack search and archiving, though maybe those are configurable –its title could use explaining.

In my private satirical lexicon, Sambodia is São Paulo.

São Paulo is an often dystopian Brazilian megalopolis.

Sambodianas are things to do with Sambodia, as in the Villa-Lobos compositions called Brasilianas.

Sambodia is Cambodia with a samba beat and Carvaval societies funded by the PCC.

The Sambodian self-styled elites dread the Bolivarian hordes massing at the Brazilian border and believe that Luis Inácio Lula da SIlva is their Pol Pot.

Fanned by a sensationalist yellow press and media, concentrated in the hands of the six families, the «white minority» lives in a constant state of moral panic.

In a study of Veja cover stories back in 2010 for example I observed two complementary thematic trends:

  1. Seek New Age personal fulfillment on a soma-eating, internet-mediated island in the sky with moonlighting military police walking the perimeter.
  2. The Landless Workers Movement wants to barbecue your forcibly aborted white Catholic babies!

And there you have it: Sambodia.

And Why Paraguay?

Landlocked smuggler’s paradise Paraguay is the epitome of the Bazaar and its victory over the Cathedral.

Its current president – beneficiary of the same sort of Paraguayan coup that just removed Rousseff here, only more of a constitutional blitzkrieg —is the owner of Tabacalera Del Este S.A..

The company makes the Eight and Kentucky brands of cigarettes, among others – sold by the truckload here in São Paulo with no revenue stamps whatsoever, and with only the very occasional seizure of a few hundred cartons, if that. (A truckload of Eights, above).

The Eight brand costs one-quarter to one-third of what domestic brands do and is considered chic and high-quality, judging from the bumming habits of the folks from the cancer ward.

Honestly, I could not smoke at all if it not for my Paraguayan Marlboro Man who meets me at that certain square by that certain landmark and hands it over in shopping bags. He even runs me a tab. Good guy.

I was thinking of restarting my Sousaphone blog as a sttic site with the subtitle »Confessions of Paraguayan Marlboro Man».

But I built the new version with Yellow and php yellow.php build site does not work for me. Some other time.

One problem with a static blog? When your _posts folder overflows and you have to grepor swish-e your content to refer back to stuff you wrote about months or years ago.

Adding Art

Bruegel the Elder’s Tower of Babel works very well as a background image for this site and is a propos.

This post written with gedit rather than, say, remarkable. Someday I will learn eMacs as I have been meaning to for years.

Emacs is whack!