1. Dropping Drawers, or, the Drawer Hour

    Heckling Jekyll

  2. Disorganized Labors

    I Dream of Aladim

  3. Thoughts of Watts & The Id of Grid

    My Gitlab-hosted English-language working notes on Web design is fubar and so I must abandon the principle that this here will be a dear diary on life in general. …

  4. In the Beco With the Lápide Blues

    Lápide is Sambodian for tombstone. …

  5. Tidings of Sambodian Dogs

    This blog template is fucked up, I think. …

  6. Dylan and the Dynamite Tycoon

  7. Little Man With a Gun in His Hand

    The highest love, a woman’s touch / Harmony, a strong mind, a strong body / Beauty all the things he couldn’t be, / All the things he couldn’t have. / Little man with a gun in his hand

  8. Sweating the Específicos

    Ruby Thursday

  9. Of Penguins and Marxmanship

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@gringolalia.com
        DocumentRoot "/srv/http/gringolalia.com"
        ServerName gringolalia
        ServerAlias www.gringolalia.com
        ErrorLog "/var/log/httpd/domain1.com-error_log"
        CustomLog "/var/log/httpd/domain1.com-access_log" common

  10. Outputs of the Infernal Machine

    A scenic Sambodian bridge in Brooklin with an I